Tumil-K 4oz Powder

Tumil-K 4oz Powder
List Price: $58.99
Sale Price: $50.25
Code: tu4ozpo
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Tumil-K is indicated as a supplement in cats and dogs with potassium deficiency. Potassium depletion now appears to be a serious and a relatively common disorder in cats especially those with renal disease. Treatment is relatively straightforward once the condition is recognized, although the diagnosis may not be readily apparent. This difficulty stems largely from the fact that serum potassium concentrations may not accurately reflect total body potassium stores. In addition, most of the signs of potassium depletion are nonspecific and may mimic other disorders, many of which are associated with old age. The suggested dose of Tumil-K for adult cats and dogs is one caplet, 1/4 level teaspoonful (0.65g) of powder or 1/2 teaspoonful (468mg) of gel per 10 lbs (4.5kg) body weight twice daily. Dosage may be adjusted to satisfy patient's need.