Toxiban Suspension 240mL

Toxiban Suspension 240mL
List Price: $24.99
Sale Price: $19.99
Code: toxibansus
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Product Info:

ToxiBan Charcoal for use as an aid in the treatment of poisoning by most organic chemicals in dogs and cats and other animals.

Active Ingredients:

10.4% charcoal and 6.25% kaolin

How To Use:

Give orally causing the animal to drink the calculated dose either as is or mixed with a small amount of cold water. Consult a veterinarian should administration by stomach tube be needed. The recommended dosage is 10 to 20 ml per kg body weight (5 to 10 ml per lb). Rinse liquid receptacle with cold water and administer rinsing's. Repeat with the lower dosage every 6 to 8 hours for 3 treatments if necessary.